amaze students

Be the Difference. Remain Curious. Shine.

What we share

If you are a teacher, professor, or trainer working with a school, university, training center, or anything like that, we have something in common:

The desire to help others to become the best of themselves, succeed in the workplace and live a fulfilled life.

Your students listen to your lectures. They have read many pages to gain the knowledge to get their desired certification. You and your institution facilitate a supportive and inspiring working and learning environment. Maybe career guidance is part of it, including work visits and work-experience placements. Would you appreciate a seasoned expert to add some real-life perspectives to your teaching?

Inspiring real-life stories developed through relevant experience

I can talk comfortably about project and career management and provide a kind of "behind the scenes" insight. The audience would hear first-hand why your teaching matters and how it is applied in a business context. But more importantly, they would be getting a personal view from somebody who has done it for many years. I can give answers they might not find in books. Inspiring real-life stories developed through relevant experience.

I can share thoughtful words of advice and alternative perspectives. Your students will benefit from it and further develop their independent thinking. Another step in getting ready to be successful.

Please get in touch if you want to share ideas and discuss if I could be of benefit.

Will they be happy? - Enhancing their career perspectives!

Throughout my professional life, I have witnessed that we all have two far-reaching questions when we think of and talk about our jobs:

Definitely, the first question is something that students, both with or without work experience, definitely have right now. What happens after my learning and study time? How do I manage my career? And be happy?

Around 70% of employees only show up for work or are actively disengaged (more here). That does not sound like a happy workforce. I am motivated to help people not fall into those traps.

I can help them to shine

I can talk about career success. From a big picture perspective to focusing on specific details. All under the umbrella of career management, paired with my personal journey and insight. I am convinced that the more your students understand about "career", the higher the chances they will have one, feel involved in their jobs and be happy.

The second question refers to project management. This might not be obvious at first sight. But more and more work in any type of organization becomes projectized. For sure your students will be confronted with this in one way or another.

According to the Harvard Business Review : "Thirty years ago, 80% of the resources in an organization were dedicated to operations, and 20% to projects; today, that ratio has flipped“. (more here

Or McKinsey, they have identified "Planning and Ways of Working" as one of four foundational cognitive skills that will help citizens thrive in the future of work (more here)

This is in line with my experience. It has huge consequences for everybody looking for a job, as well as those who already have one. Without this transferable skill, job success will become more and more difficult.

As with career management, I can talk about project management at different levels. From "what is project management, why does it matter?" to more specific aspects like "what does project success mean?". 

Or a combination of both, like "Is project management a good career choice?" or "Maybe your career is a project!" 

But whatever it is you need, it will be packed with real-life examples.

Career management – examples of questions I can address

Project management – examples of questions I can address


I typically plan 90 or 120 minutes per session and use engaging visual material. The slides are in English, we can discuss in English or German. I favor smaller groups in a workshop-type setting, but lecture larger groups as well.

I can tailor the content to your and your students´ needs to support the objectives of your course, curriculum, or school. What we will discuss during the session depends on the questions and interests of the audience. The session can be held on-site or remote.

After the session, I will provide a link to a website that provides references for further reading.

Should you pay guest speakers, I am happy to send you an invoice, but if needed I can support you on a pro bono basis as well.

Whatever the format, I aim to provide your students with a valuable moment of reflection and reality check this is

The feedback I have received so far indicates that I am not doing too bad in this regard.

My motivation

Offering my knowledge and experience was born out of my motivation to “give something back to the community.” 

Helping others to succeed in their professional life was something I did as a leader for my team members. But I want to go further. Besides mentoring and consulting, teaching, lecturing, or simply talking about it is one of the ways in which I intend to deliver on my mission. I have a good career myself. Not because I was the smartest kid on the block, but because I had people who supported, mentored, protected, and believed in me, which helped to open doors. 

This is what I want to do more of. Please reach out if you think I can help you to amaze your students.

Made with love and coffee in Brussels

Creé avec de l´amour et du café à Bruxelles

Mit Liebe und Kaffee in Brüssel entstanden